How to treat quam varicose veins of the veins of the legs

Vascular capillaries dilated, swollen swollen knobby vienna – as it seems quam varicose veins, you probably knows everything. Then we will talk about what during the illness occurs within the veins.

When quam varices the elasticity of the veins is reduced, and, as a consequence, expand. Within the veins are a kind of butterfly, that regulate the flow of blood directly to the heart from the lower limbs. If these "ports" work correctly, then the problem does not arise. In the case of disturbances in their functioning, and develops quam varicose veins. The valves do not close, thus impairing the circulation of the blood to the heart, the result is that it stagnates in the veins. A natural way to increase the pressure that pushes the blood from the deep thickness of the veins more subtle are closer to the skin blood. The system of these veins is not suitable for nodular such blood volumes, as a result of their walls are not only overly stretched, but more and destroyed.

The result of this process are always evident on the skin vascular capillaries dilated, which in and of itself represent a serious aesthetic problem. The disease progresses, thin, loose, the veins become more pronounced, they acquire the characteristic blue color, thicken, and soon appear nodules.

Causes quam varices

There are many factors, sometimes increase the probability that a given person suffers from quam varicose veins:

  • Genetic heritage – from their parents or grandparents, a free-wheel with quam varicose veins, a descendant could "take" of vienna, with a particular configuration (weakness of connective tissue, the imperfection of the valves, etc.); and then, without the continued observance of the preventive measures probably sooner or later will become a patient with a diagnosis of "quam varicose veins on the legs".
  • Hormonal fluctuations, they are often women (menopause, menstruation, pregnancy, etc), which explains the apparent sexual selectivity of the disease; moreover, the risk of quam varices increases and hormonal treatment – it is scientifically proven that in their female sex hormones and their substitutes greatly reduce the elasticity of the venous wall.
  • Nervous disorders, stress, depression – which reduces the tone of the veins, because the elasticity of their walls is adjustable to the nerve endings.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (which, once again, occur more often in women) – these processes can not only lead to a hormonal imbalance, but also can damage the veins smaller.
  • The lack of physical activity in a person's life – because of a long session vienna provocantes, is compromised the circulation of the blood, gradually decreases the tone of the venous wall, and, finally, the blood begins to stagnate, and occurs quam varicose veins (today, doctors has also appeared as a technical term – it quam varicose veins, so the large number of patients, the cause of the disease, of which he became a sedentary job for a monitor flickering).
  • The excessive exercise – to him is attributed the weight lifting, excess weight, pregnancy, work, associated with a long-quam varicose veins; therefore, significantly increases the pressure in the veins, which risks the appearance quam varicose veins.
  • A flat foot.
  • The habit always and everywhere to "show off" the wrong high heels.
  • Constipation, by increasing the pressure in the abdominal cavity.
  • Accident and illness.
  • Paul – as already mentioned above, the risk of developing quam varicose veins in women above.
  • The structure of the body – as a rule, from the quam varices are often precisely the people of a stature above the average.

The symptoms quam varicose veins on the legs

The symptoms quam varicose veins is characterized by a gradual progression. Signs found not a time, in a first stage, the disease manifests itself through:

varicose veins of the legs</1_img> swelling of the legs, especially after a long stay in a sitting position or standing, which usually, by yourself are in the morning – the first sign that the deep veins of evil to face up to their responsibilities;
  • cramps and numbness of the legs, especially often this symptom manifests itself in the night and in the morning;
  • a feeling of heaviness, burning, itching, and pain in the legs, especially the averages for the second half of the day;
  • the first visible signs – medium-red-blue vascular capillaries dilated and pinion, well visible on the skin.

When the first alarming signals, it's not worth strengthening with the visit of a doctor. As is well known, any disease, the more well-treatable just in the initial stages. If the symptoms have been ignored, and the patient did not consider them reason enough to search for qualified help, then, in expectation of such signs, as:

  • the seal and the darkening of the skin, the calf of the leg: when on it will appear stains and flaking;
  • the veins become painful when the imperium indigentiam;
  • severe muscle pain, the intensity of which increases during the journey;
  • the appearance protruding above the skin of the legs and stop the venous nodes.

If the same treatment will not be assigned and in this phase, the patient will be waiting to serious complications, which we will discuss later.

When it is necessary to consult a doctor?

There are signs, the appearance of which is the absolute indication of the urgency of converting to the doctor. He refers to:

  • a feeling of weakness in combination with traiecto and the feeling of lack of oxygen;
  • acute severe pain in the foot, limb, compacted, appears to be a burning sensation;
  • the beginning of the stroke of the fears and suspicions of phase.

As you put this diagnosis?

An accurate diagnosis can put only a doctor flebologo or a vascular surgeon. Consult a specialist, preferably during the first alarming signals of the body. Of course, the first of the search procedures are inspection and investigation of the patient. Then, in order to confirm the diagnosis and obtain maximum information about the nature and severity of the disease may be necessary for the following procedures:

  • ULTRASOUND of the veins – in the course of this research not only revealed the presence quam varicose veins, but the still and to draw conclusions about the direction of the current of the blood, presence of blood clots and tumors, it is estimated irradiet, blood vessels;
  • contrast intravaginales – very precise and informative research method, on the basis of which appears the opportunity to maximize the assess the state of the veins; this is an examination through the introduction in the body of a man in the midst of contrast, the staining of the blood.
Both of these methods are interchangeable. Because of the less invasiveness lately, the preference is given to ULTRASOUND of the veins. ULTRASOUND of the veins</2_img>

How dangerous is it to quam varicose veins?

On the quam varices, there is an aphorism created by the doctors – "the Disease, which manifests itself in the foot, and shooting in the heart". In fact, this disease is not only an aesthetic problem, their troubles and reduces the quality of life. In the absence of a qualified doctor quam varices full of serious complications, up to death.

Then, the consequences quam varicose veins on the legs can be:
  • thrombophlebitis – the disease is accompanied by progress of the inflammatory process in the diseased veins;
  • bleeding;
  • the violation of nutrition of tissues;
  • increase in the pigmentation;
  • more quam varicose veins – dangerous not only for health, but for the life of a complication.

We must also say a common "companion" quam varicose veins on the legs, such as trophic ulcer. The reason of its appearance, serves a permanent venous insufficiency and the increased pressure in the veins. These ulcers tend not to heal, are very difficult to treat and can limit the work capacity of the patient and even lead to visual impairment. The bloating, the agonizing pain and also the bad smell – all of this makes the life of a sick, very serious. The appearance of venous ulcers suffer from quam varices men also contribute to minor injuries and bruises, which it is impossible to escape. By the way, sometimes (in rare cases) these losses reincarnated in a malignant tumor.

Treatment quam varicose veins on the legs

Treatment quam varicose veins on the legs depends, in the first place, the stage of development of the disease. If it is the initial stages of the disease, when you still have not said about you complications and irreversible processes, it is typically used the conservative treatment, that is, the non-surgical treatment, which may include the following procedures:

  • Medical therapy – this is the tablets (venarum, anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants), and in the local media, that is, of all the types of angioprotective.
  • Compression treatment – wearing special antiexudativ sock or, as an option, a multivitamin foot elastic bandage.
  • ovarii – carried out with the aid of the instrument ovarii, activates the blood circulation, improves the trophism of the tissues and, as a result, the unpleasant symptoms quam varicose veins shrink and disappear.
  • Sclerotherapy – is applied in each case, when without removing the affected veins can not do without. Is done without a scalpel, injected into a vein special amputetur current medication, as a result of a vessel, gradually atrophies and disappears. This does not happen very quickly, within a year, you may need more than one session, but the effect of sclerotherapy is well worth the effort.
  • adurere, laser coagulation – one of the most modern techniques, is performed under local anesthesia, the results can be appreciated already after a month.
  • Leeches – this is one of the conventional treatments quam varicose veins on the legs is based on a like leeches – exaruit of the skin of a patient and the subsequent phlebologist produce the blood of a substance ; however, it is now possible to do without the leeches – on the shelves of pharmacies there are a variety of medications, which contain this tool.

Prevention quam varicose veins varicose veins

Particular attention to the prevention quam varicose veins on the legs, it is necessary to give to the people of the at risk groups: those whose relatives are suffering from this disease, representatives of some professions (teachers, hair stylists, etc.), overweight people, pregnant women, etc.

In the first place, you need to lead an active lifestyle. Do sports (swimming, bicycle), prefer hiking to the "stand-up" trip with public transport, to get on your floor of the stairs and not the elevator, etc.

The same, who for his profession is forced to spend a lot of time sitting or standing, it is worthwhile to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • When the debt in better time with the foot on one leg, wiggling her toes.
  • The office employees, conductive days behind a computer screen, periodically it is recommended that you put your feet on the table – in this position, significantly improving the outflow of blood from the veins of the lower limbs.
  • A small footrest is able to reduce the dangerous pressure; and, moreover, on it is very comfortable during a long session, perform basic exercises.
  • A simple exercise which consists in the periodical increase of the fingers of the feet, promotes the tension of the muscles of the legs and improves the flow of blood towards the top.
  • At least once every hour for 5-10 minutes, it is necessary to break with a chair and a bit of exercise.

Compression garment is used not only for the treatment quam varicose veins, but also for its prevention. So, for example, if a person usually suffer from this disease, during pregnancy, when flights and long trips in bus or train, during training, it is better to use socks or wrap the foot with an elastic bandage.

If the problem has already been declared in even the most mild, you need to avoid the following:

  • taking oral contraceptives (they contain hormones that can worsen the situation);
  • wear high-heeled shoes;
  • excess weight and obesity;
  • the consumption of foods that are salty, fatty and salty foods;
  • wear heavy bags and suitcases (now it is very popular luggage-on-wheels);
  • wax;
  • hot long baths;
  • saunas and baths;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • self-medication.